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AAC 2012 Agenda/Program
Schedules and abstracts posted here are updated daily and reflect last-minute changes. They are therefore more up-to-date than the schedules and abstracts in the printed program booklet.
Working Group Talk and Poster Schedules: | ||||||||
Working Group Abstracts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Plenary Abstracts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Student Tutorial Abtracts: Monday/Tuesday
Poster Instructions
Speaker Instructions
Sunday June 10 |
Monday June 11 |
Tuesday June 12 |
Wednesday June 13 |
Thursday June 14 |
Friday June 15 |
Breakfast: 6:30-8am |
Buffet in Tejas Dining Room |
8:00 - 8:15 |
Opening Remarks |
Announcements |
Announcements |
Announcements |
Announcements |
Morning I |
Plenary I |
Plenary 4 (3 x 35 min) Session Chair: D. Gordon Haberberger Veisz Gonsalves |
Plenary 7 Session Chair: C. Clayton Student Poster Winners |
10-10:30 |
Morning II 10:30-12:00 |
Plenary 2 |
Working Groups 2 |
Working Groups 5 |
Working Groups 8 |
12-1:30pm |
Tejas Dining Room |
Afternoon I 1:30-3:00 |
Working Groups 3 |
Working Groups 6 |
Working Groups 9 |
Break: 3:00-3:30 |
Personal |
Afternoon II 3:30-5:00 |
Working Groups 7 |
Registration ATT Center 2nd floor lobby |
Evening |
Welcome |
Reception Program |
Poster Session & Reception |
Workshop |
Working Group Meeting Room Locations:
WG1 |
Amphitheatre 204 |
WG2 |
Room 103 |
WG3 |
Room 101 |
WG4 |
Room 102 |
WG5 |
Room 106 |
WG6 |
Room 104 |
WG7 |
Room 107 (M, Tu) Room 202 (W,Th) |
WG8 |
Room 108 |
1. Plenary Speakers (presentations downloadable via links on master schedule above)
Speaker and Affiliation | Title |
Chan Joshi University of California, Los Angeles |
AAC Workshops and Evolution of Advanced Acceleration Concepts |
Stuart Henderson Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
From intensity frontier to energy frontier |
Anthony Gonsalves Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Injection and staging for laser-plasma accelerators |
Dino Jaroszynski University of Strathclyde, Glasgow |
Overview of recent laser-plasma acceleration results |
Jean-Luc Vay Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Efficient particle-in-cell modeling of advanced accelerators |
Michael Bussman Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf |
GPU-based implementations for modeling of advanced accelerators |
Gil Travish University of California, Los Angeles |
Dielectric laser accelerators: Are they viable advanced accelerator concepts? |
Valery Dolgashev Stanford Linear Accelerator Center |
Progress on high-gradient structures |
Alexander Pukhov University of Duesseldorf |
Proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration |
Gerard Andonian University of California, Los Angeles |
Electron-beam-driven dielectric accelerators |
László Veisz Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics, Garching |
Diagnostics of electron beams and plasma waves in laser-plasma accelerators |
Dao Xiang Stanford Linear Accelerator Center |
Overview of phase space manipulations of relativistic electron beams |
Dan Haberberger University of California, Los Angeles |
Monoenergetic proton beams from laser-driven shocks |
Daniel Jung Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Efficient proton and ion generation beyond 100 MeV/nucleon by laser excitation of nanofoils |
Derun Li University of California, Berkeley |
Challenges of RF cavities for a muon collider |
Katsuya Yonehara Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Recent progress of high pressure hydrogen gas filled RF cavity for a muon collider |
Bedrich Rus (canceled 06/08/12) Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
The European extreme light infrastructure project: prospects for particle acceleration at the ELI-Beamlines facility |
Jay Dawson Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
High average power lasers for future particle accelerators |
2. Tutorial Lectures (presentations downloadable via links on master schedule above)
AAC 2012 will feature the following three tutorial lectures early in the week. These lectures are intended to provide student attendees an introduction to basic principles of accelerator science. All student workshop participants should attend these lectures, and will be given first priority for the limited seating available.
Speaker | Title |
Jonathan Wurtele University of California, Berkeley |
Principles of Particle Acceleration |
Tom Antonsen University of Maryland |
Computations for Accelerator Science |
James Rosenzweig University of California, Los Angeles |
Principles of Accelerator Structures |