US participants may secure the pre-registration fee of $300 by submitting their registration form and
acceptable method of payment (do not mail cash) by 30 April. The only acceptable method of payment for US
participants is a personal check, cashiers’ check, money order, or travelers check drawn on a U.S. bank in U.S.
dollars. (We do not accept credit cards, purchase orders, or wire transfers.) US participants may submit their
Registration Forms by e-mail (ritaw@mail.utexas.edu), fax (512-471-6715, ATTN: Rita Wilkinson), or mail by 30
April 2010, however, to secure the pre-registration discount, a US participant’s payment must be postmarked by
30 April 2010, and received by Rita Wilkinson, The University of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station, C1500,
Austin, Texas 78712. Please make your check payable to: The University of Texas at Austin. |