IISS 2010
31 May - 4 June 2010
4TH ITER International Summer School
"Magnetohydrodynamics and Plasma Control
in Magnetic Fusion Devices"
Abstract Submission
The deadline for Abstract Submission is Friday, 30 April 2010.
Abstracts must fit on a single page (8.5 x 11 inches) suitable for direct reproduction.
Margins must be 1.5 inches at the top, bottom, left, and right sides of the page.
Font is Times New Roman.
Title must be 14 point, centered, bold type.
Author(s) names must be 11 point, centered, plain type with appropriate affiliation indicators. First author listed is expected to give the presentation. Authors may be listed on more than one presentation, but can serve as presenting author for only one presentation.
Affiliations must be 10 point, centered, plain type, and have corresponding author affiliation indicators.
Body of abstract must be 11 point, justified.
Acknowledgements must be 10 point, justified.
References must be 10 point, numbered as referenced in body of abstract, justified.
All abstract submissions will be accepted as a PDF file (.pdf).
Click HERE to download and print a .pdf example of a properly prepared abstract.
Authors are welcome to contact us by e-mail (ritaw@mail.utexas.edu) with any special requests. These requests will be referred to Professor Wendell Horton for consideration. Notification of his decision will be sent as soon as possible.